Over the next 7 days, you will be able to hone your intuitive abilities, identify your "go-to" intuitive senses, and simply gain more confidence in your own intuition
Each of the 7 Days we will work on a different Intuitive Sense. First, we will do a fun exercise, and then we will spend some time recapping and discussing the results.
Introduction to this course and your first exercise; How connected are you to people that you know?
Vision. What do you SEE? What do you perceive? What can you do to enhance your vision?
Vision 2: Imagination. What do you "see" beyond your physical senses? How do you interpret what you "see"?
Feeling: Physical Senses. Can you feel energy? What are some exercises you can do to test how much you can feel?
Feeling 2: Emotions. Are you empathic? What can you do to use your "feelings" as a positive force in your life?
Knowing: Do you just "know" things? What can you do to improve your ability to get great insights and ideas?
Recap of the Course and your final exercise; The Amazing Sense of Smell
After each fun exercise we spend a little time discussing not only the exercise performed but also alternative ways to work with your particular intuitive senses
Each Day's Exercise is summed up with a list of 3-6 key points that can be taken away and pondered. Each is geared to create a focus for future expansion.
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Your Intuition is not simply a "sixth sense"; it encompasses the use and coordination of a number of senses... some you may not even be aware of at this time. Developing your intuition is like learning a skill. It can be honed. As with learning any skill, practice is very important. We provide a framework and a "game plan" for honing those skills. Also, our goal is to make sure everyone has fun while doing it. We all learn much faster and more effectively when we are having fun.
This course is completely free. Enroll today and get instant access!
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